sábado, 18 de mayo de 2013

A Love Letter To Dragon Ball Z

My brain has been formed around Dragon Ball Z. I’m not fully sure how it happened, but that show has had a profound effect on me. It’s not something I admit too often but at the back of my mind, buried deep down I believe that I will one day turn into a super saiyan. All common sense tells me it’s not going to happen, but I’m pretty sure it will happen. I always said that if I had a son I’d name him Gohan, and if I do that I’m sure he’ll hate me, but I don’t care. I find it hard to comprehend that there’s people in the world who haven’t seen it, and I don’t know how they don’t feel a crippling void in their life. I think taken as a whole the Dragon Ball story is the greatest one ever told.
It just makes me happy

When I first started watching it I was probably about six years old and I just loved to watch the fights and didn’t have the attention span to focus on the actual story line. But, as time passed and I got older I became fascinated and watched ever episode on the edge of my seat. I remember if for some reason I missed an episode I would throw temper tantrums and go up to my room and punch the walls. Dragon Ball Z was the first programme I ever watched as a child that I felt didn’t talk down to me, the story was so rich and the characters were so incredible. Nowadays parents are so conscious of the violence that children see on TV, but in Dragon Ball the fighting always had a point and it taught children to be strong and fight for what you believe in, and as far as having somebody to look up too, there is no better idol to have as a child then Goku.
Well, expect maybe Krillin

In the middle of the Majin Buu saga Dragon Ball Z switched from being aired on Cartoon Network to being on Toonami. I’m not sure what age I was when this happened, but I think I was around 10. Back then nobody had Sky Digital, which you needed to watch Toonami, and I don’t think I’d even heard of the internet. This destroyed me and I had no idea what happened in the show. Years passed and I never forgot about it, eventually we got Sky, but it was too late, Toonami didn’t exist anymore and I was a wreck. Then one day I found out I could watch programmes online and I finally was reunited with the show. The joy I felt has never been matched. It was around this time that my friends actually banned me from talking about Dragon Ball around them. I’d ignore their ban and would proceed to tell an uninterested room about how saiyans are named after vegetables.

There’s very few things in my life that I genuinely care about, but I have an affection for this show that’s unmatched by anything else. I look forward to sitting around an open fire as an old man with my grandchildren and watching Cell absorbing Android 18.

It will always be terrifying  

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